Seasons Greetings!

For a year that broke all the worst records, most of us look forward to have 2020 pass us by. The year is finally closing off and look at us, we have weathered the storm. Manufacturing was hard hit by the Corona Virus Disease (COVID- 19). Border closures and non movement of goods and people, meant that those inputs we so dearly need for manufacturing production could not move as anticipated.

ZAM was here to ensure that they spoke on your behalf to the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry (MCTI) and other neighboring Governments to aid your movement of goods. Though the negative impacts of the supply chain disruptions was clear in the second quarter, with growth in the manufacturing sector dipping by -4.6%, you our manufacturers reported to us that the third quarter got better.

And so in this fourth quarter of 2020, we celebrate that we as a sector have built resilience and are still standing here. By this account, I wish you a brighter 2021, filled with opportunity and investment. May we all look back to 2020 and say we survived and surely it can only get better.

I wish you a happy Christmas and a blessed new year.