On 17th August 2023, the Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) in collaboration with the British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) hosted a Stakeholder Skills Development Meeting. The objective of the meeting was to provide a platform for academia to interact with manufacturers on the skills gap existing in the sector. Skills mismatch has been a challenge industry has been facing and has become a concern if we are to grow and develop our local manufacturing industry.
The event had in attendance TEVETA and ZCAS University who delivered presentations on the current status in the education sector as regards to equipping students with the necessary skills. Representing the Zambian Manufacturers and businesses, Zambia Sugar Plc delivered a presentation on the challenges faced as regards to sourcing skilled labor locally and proposed solutions. After which, the floor was opened to the attendees to give suggestions as well as ask questions
The main concern from the manufacturers was the lack of relevant and modern equipment in learning institutions to give students practical experience required by industry resulting in under performance once employed. This forces employers to source skilled labor from abroad. Additionally, there is little collaboration between industry and learning institutions such as TEVETA in developing curriculums for demand driven skills by industry.
The meeting was concluded with recommendations on bridging the skills gap such as TEVETA partnering with industry for internship opportunities to give practical experience to students. Additionally, TEVETA must consult widely with vast representation from different sectors when developing curriculum. Participants were encouraged to make further submissions through ZAM and BCC.
Photo 1: from left to right Ms. Muntanga Lindunda, Ms Marien Matafwali, Mr. Ashu Sagar, Mr. John Paton and Mr. Atson Lungu